Audiomatic Retro Transformer : Using Audiomatic Retro Transformer

Using Audiomatic Retro Transformer
The Audiomatic Retro Transformer is designed to be used mainly as an insert effect, on individual tracks as well as in the Master Inserts section. Another very nice application is to use the Audiomatic Retro Transformer as an insert effect in Parallel Channels in the Reason Mixer. Then, you can sculpt the effect sound even further using the channel EQ and Compressor, for example. Refer to “Parallel Channels” for information about working with Parallel Channels.
The front panel layout is very simple and straight-forward: the device features 16 Preset buttons, a Transform knob, an input Gain knob and a Dry/Wet knob.
Range: - INF to + 12 dB.
The Presets
The 16 Preset buttons are arranged in a four by four matrix. The upper row of presets contains subtle effects, the second row a little less subtle and so on all the way down to the fourth row, which contains the most far out effects.
The display shows a picture which reflects the selected effect Preset.
The following Presets are available:
This simulates the character of an analog tape recorder.
This simulates the classic Loudness compensation function, which was very popular in numerous consumer class hi-fi systems in the 70s and 80s.
This preset adds brightness to the sound, and removes bass.
This preset tightens up and enhances the low frequencies in the sound.
This preset is a spatial effect, which spreads the stereo width of the sound and also changes the frequency characteristics.
This simulates a small transistor radio.
This simulates sound recorded with a VHS camera.
This simulates the background sound and noise from a somewhat scratchy vinyl record.
This simulates the sound of a poorly encoded/decoded MP3 file.
A psychedelic sound experience. “Turn on, tune in, drop out”, sort of.
The effect of a broken speaker with lots of distortion.
A hollow “robotic” type of effect.
A “circuit-bending” type of effect with bit-crushing on top.
A washing machine on sound check at an open air venue?
A pretty far out sci-fi preset.
A very nice and scary waterphone effect.
The knob usually controls a combination of different (hidden) parameters in each of the Presets. This makes it behave more like a “morph” control rather than an “amount” control.
Range: - INF to + 12 dB.
Use the Volume knob in combination with the “Gain” knob, to compensate for high input Gain settings.

Audiomatic Retro Transformer : Using Audiomatic Retro Transformer