Working with Blocks in the Sequencer : Arrangement Views

Arrangement Views
Song View (with Blocks disabled)
The sequencer in the Song View.
This is the Song View, which is the same as “Arrange Mode” in older versions of the program. Here you work with your song in a linear fashion, by recording and arranging your clips from the start of the song to the end. Songs created in previous versions of the program will automatically open up in the Song View, so it will all look very familiar.
Song View (with Blocks enabled)
When you create a new song, or a song from a template, the sequencer will automatically have the Blocks function activated. However, if you open a song that was previously saved with the Blocks function off, you will have to manually activate Blocks:
The sequencer in Song View with “Enable Blocks” activated
With Enable Blocks activated on the Options menu, an additional track - the Blocks Track - becomes available above the Transport Track. On the Blocks Track you can arrange your Block Automation Clips once you have recorded your Blocks. There are also two buttons to the left on the Blocks Track in the Track List: the Block and Song View buttons.
Block View
A colored area appears on the arrangement pane with the Block name at the top on the Blocks Track. By default, the Blocks are named “Block n” where “n” is a number between 1 and 32. If you like, you can rename your Blocks to more suitable names (see “Renaming Blocks”). The Block View is where you record the clips you want to include in a specific Block. The clips present in the colored Block area in the Block View are unique only to that specific Block.
The sequencer in Block View

Working with Blocks in the Sequencer : Arrangement Views