Europa Shapeshifting Synthesizer : Signal flow

Signal flow
The picture below shows the basic signal flow in Europa:
Europa signal flowchart.
The oscillators in Europa are extremely powerful and flexible. Besides all the basic “analog” waveforms, the oscillators can also generate a vast variety of wavetable waveforms, physical modeling signals and other types of unique signals - and also your own samples! The signals can also be continuously transformed into various shapes.
The Modifiers feature a huge amount of algorithms that can modify the Oscillator signal in various ways.
The Spectral Filter affects the partials of the signal. The algorithms could be various types of filters - or special purpose signal processors.
The Harmonics processor modulates the harmonics in the signal, for example introducing ensemble or stretch effects.
This module can generate various types of unison chorus effects, to make the sound really fat and wide.

Europa Shapeshifting Synthesizer : Signal flow