Europa Shapeshifting Synthesizer : Playing and using Europa

Playing and using Europa
Loading and saving patches
Loading and saving patches is done in the same way as with any other internal Reason device, see “Loading patches” and “Saving patches” for details.
Global output controls
Master Volume
This is the main stereo output volume control.
Here you set the desired maximum polyphony of your patch, from 1 to 16 voices. This control is mainly intended for deliberately restricting the polyphony of a sound. If you just want to play a patch polyphonically you can leave the Voices setting at 16 at all times. The DSP Load won’t increase with higher voice number settings - only if you play a lot of notes simultaneously.
If you want monophonic playback you could use the “Retrig” and “Legato” modes instead of lowering the Voices parameter to 1.
Global performance and “play” controls
Key Mode
Here you choose how Europa should respond to MIDI Note data:
Select this if you want to play Europa polyphonically. The maximum number of voices is 16. The number of voices is set in the Voices control at the center right of the Europa panel, see “Voices”.
Select this if you want to play Europa in monophonic mode and always retrigger the envelopes as soon as you play a new note.
The Mono Legato mode is also monophonic. However, if you play a new note without having released the previous one, the envelopes won’t start over.
Portamento makes note pitches glide from previous notes to new ones, at the time set with the Time knob. Portamento can be used in all Key modes (see above).
The results will be unpredictable since there is no way of controlling from which note(s) the glide(s) will commence. The effect is very nice, though.
If you release the previous key before hitting the new key, there will be no portamento effect.
Set the desired Pitch Bend range for the “Pitch” wheel with the up/down buttons, or by click-holding on the display and dragging up/down.
Range: +/-24 semitones (+/-2 octaves) in steps of +/-1 semitone.
The Pitch bend wheel can be used for bending note pitches up and down. Europa also responds to Pitch Bend MIDI data from a connected MIDI master keyboard. You set the desired Pitch bend Range with the “P.Range” control above the Pitch bend wheel.
The Mod wheel can be used for controlling almost any parameter in Europa. Use the Mod wheel as a Source parameter in any of the Modulation Source boxes in the different sections. Or use it as Source parameter in the Modulation Bus section and then route to the desired Destination parameter(s), see “The Modulation Bus section”.

Europa Shapeshifting Synthesizer : Playing and using Europa