Grain Sample Manipulator : Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks
Automating sample playback parameters from the sequencer
Besides the extensive modulation capabilities of the Modulation Bus, the sample playback parameters can also be automated in the Reason sequencer. For example, you could automate the Sample Start and/or Sample End markers in the Sample section to have the markers reposition in real-time during playback of the Reason sequencer. Below is a basic example of how you could automate various sample playback parameters:
If you moved both the Sample Start marker and the Sample End marker you will now have four Parameter Automation lanes with clips on them on the Grain sequencer track. A green Parameter Automation frame is also visible around the Sample section display:
The first two Parameter Automation lanes - the Display Y lane and the Display Gate lane - always appear as soon as you have recorded any marker movements in the Sample section display.
This automation doesn’t affect the sample playback in any way but can instead be used as a modulation source in the Modulation Bus, for modulating the desired destination parameter(s).
This automation doesn’t affect the sample playback either but can be used as a modulation source in the Modulation Bus, for modulating/gating the desired destination parameter(s).
After recording the movements of the Sample Range markers, two new Parameter Automation lanes appear on the sequencer track:

Grain Sample Manipulator : Tips and Tricks