Kong Drum Designer : Pad Settings

Pad Settings
In the Pad Settings section to the right of the Pad section you can perform various assignments and tricks pertaining to how the Drum channels should be controlled from the Pads.
Assigning Drums to Pads
Kong features 16 pads and 16 Drum channels, as described earlier. Each pad can control a separate Drum sound channel. You can also assign several pads to control a single Drum sound channel. This is especially useful if you want to apply different settings, like Hit Types (see “Assigning Hit Type to Pads”), for each pad so that the controlled Drum sound channel responds differently. By default the 16 pads are assigned to their corresponding Drum sound channel; Pad 1 to Drum 1 and so on. If you want to change this assignment, proceed as follows:
A blue frame surrounds the selected pad and the corresponding Drum is displayed in the Drum section to the left.
In this example, we select Pad 2.
Now, Pad 2 is also assigned to play Drum 1. Below Pad 2 it now says “Drum 1” to indicate the current assignment.
Assigning Drums to Pads using the Quick Edit function
If you want to assign several Drums to several pads quickly, you can do this by using the Quick Edit function.
Each Pad now shows the current Drum assignment.
Renaming Pads
Copying & Pasting Drums between Pads
It’s possible to copy a Pad with an assigned Drum and paste into another Pad location:
Alternatively, select “Copy Drum Patch” from the Edit menu or context menu.
Alternatively, select “Paste Drum Patch” from the Edit menu or context menu.
Now, the complete Drum patch has been duplicated to the destination Pad and you can begin editing it as a separate patch.
Assigning Hit Type to Pads
If you have assigned several pads to the same Drum sound channel, you can choose a different Hit Type for each of the pads (where applicable). Depending on Drum sound type, some of the sounds can have up to four pre-defined Hit Types. These Hit Types are shown in the Hit Type display.
For example, a Synth Hi-Hat Drum sound has four Hit Types by default: “Closed”, “Semi-Closed”, “Semi-Open” and “Open”. By selecting a different Hit Type for each of the pads assigned to the same Drum, you can create a very nice and “live” sound.
The Hit Type assignment is saved when you save your Kong Kit Patch and/or song.
Assigning Hit Type to Pads using the Quick Edit function
A quicker way of assigning Hit Type to several pads is by using the Quick Edit function.
Each Pad now shows the current Hit Type assignment.
Muting and Soloing Pads
This will also mute MIDI control of the assigned Drum. Muted pads are displayed in red color.
Soloed pads are displayed in green color. All other pads are automatically muted. This also affects MIDI control of the Drum channels.
Muting and Soloing Pads using the Quick Edit function
A quicker way muting and soloing several pads is by using the Quick Edit function.
Each Pad will now show a Mute and Solo button.
Working with Pad Groups
Kong features 9 Pad Groups, divided into 3 Mute Groups, 3 Link Groups and 3 Alt Groups. Each Pad can be assigned to one or more of these 9 Pad Groups independently. Pad Groups are useful if you, for example, want to trig several pads from a single pad, have one pad mute another, or randomly trig other pads from one pad.
Mute Groups
Mute Groups can be used if you want one pad to automatically mute another sound in the same Mute Group. For example, if you assign an open hi-hat and a closed hi-hat sound to the same Mute Group, playing on one pad will automatically mute the sound assigned to the other pad.
Link Groups
Pads assigned to the same Link Group will play together when you trig any of the pads in that group.
Alt Groups
If you play pads assigned to the same Alt Group, the pads will be triggered in a random fashion, one by one. It doesn’t matter which pad you play in the group, the pad triggering is always random.
Assigning Pads to Pads Groups using the Quick Edit function
A quicker way of assigning several pads to Pad Groups is by using the Quick Edit function.
Each Pad now shows the current Pad Group assignment.
In the picture above, Pads 9 and 10 are assigned to Alt Group “G”, which means they will trigger alternating when you play any of these Pads.
Pads 11 and 12 are assigned to Mute Group “B”, which means that playing Pad 11 will mute Pad 12 and vice versa.

Kong Drum Designer : Pad Settings