Menu and Dialog Reference : File menu

File menu
When you select this, a new song appears. The exact contents of this song is determined by your Preferences settings (see “Default song”).
New from Template
On the sub-menu you can create a new song based on the selected Template Song. The selected Template Song will appear in a new document window.
You can then save your song with a new name. See “Creating a new Song from a template” for more details.
Last in the sub-menu you can choose to open and show the Template folder in Explorer (Win) or Finder (Mac). This makes it easy to place other songs in the Template folder, if you like.
To open a Song, proceed as follows:
The Reason Browser appears (if hidden).
The song appears in its own document window.
See “Opening a Reason or Record Song” for more details.
Open Demo Song
The song appears in its own document window.
See “Opening a Reason Demo Song” for more information.
If the window is a song document window and has unsaved changes, you will be asked whether you want to save those changes.
Closing the last open song document window will quit Reason (Windows only).
This saves the active song document to disk.
Save As...
This saves the active song document to disc. A standard Save As dialog appears requesting you to enter a file name and specify a location for the file on disk. The “Save As” command will also automatically optimize the song file size when applicable (see “Save and Optimize”).
Save and Optimize
When you record audio in the sequencer, the recordings are stored in your song document. If you remove recordings in your song, there might be “empty” areas left in the document, similar to a fragmented hard disk. To “defragment” the song document, and thus reduce the file size, you can use the “Save and Optimize” command.
See “Saving and optimizing a Song” for more details.
Song Information...
This brings up a dialog that allows you to add contact information and comments etc. about your song.
See “Including Song Information” for information.
Song Self-contain Settings...
If you want to open your song on another computer, or send it to another Reason user, you would also have to bring all samples and REX files used by the Reason devices in the Song. To make this easier, Reason allows you to create “self-contained” songs. A self-contained song contains not only the references to the used samples and REX files, but also the files themselves. By selecting the “Song Self-Contain Settings”, you can choose what files to include in your song.
See “About Self-Contained Songs” for more information.
Import Audio File...
Selecting “Import Audio File...” opens the Browser (if hidden), which displays compatible audio files. Select audio files to import to audio tracks in Reason.
See “Importing audio to the sequencer” for more information.
Import MIDI File...
Reason can import standard MIDI files (SMF). This allows you to import MIDI data to Reason from other applications. Selecting “Import MIDI Files...” opens the Browser (if hidden), which displays compatible MIDI files. Select MIDI files to import to ID8 tracks in Reason.
See “Importing Standard MIDI Files” for more information.
Export MIDI File...
Reason can export standard MIDI files (SMF). Selecting “Export MIDI Files...” brings up the Export MIDI File dialog from which you can export all instrument tracks and automation tracks from the Reason sequencer as a Standard MIDI File (SMF).
See “Exporting Standard MIDI Files” for more information.
Export Insert FX Patch...
This item is available for a selected Audio Track device, Mix Channel device or their corresponding channel strips in the Main Mixer. Selecting “Export Insert FX Patch” brings up the Save Insert FX Patch dialog from which you can save the Insert FX patch used in the selected Audio Track/Mix Channel device as a Combinator (*.cmb) Patch File.
Save Device Patch As...
This item is available for a selected device that can save patches. The menu item name reflects the type of device selected (for example “Save Combinator Patch As...”).
Even though the device settings are stored in the song, you may want to save any settings you have made for a device as a separate patch file. This allows you to use the patch in other songs, and lets you try out other patches in your song without risking to lose your original sound.
These are:
“.cmb” (Combinator patch files)
“.zyp” (Subtractor patch files)
“.thor” (Thor patch files)
“.xwv” (Malström patch files)
“.smp” (NN-19 patch files)
“.sxt” (NN-XT patch files)
“.drp” (Redrum patch files)
“.drex (Dr. Octo Rex patch files)
“.drum” (Kong drum patch files)
“.kong” (Kong kit patch files)
“.rv7” (RV7000 patch files)
“.sm4” (Scream 4 patch files)
“.pulver” (Pulveriser patch files)
“.gator” (Alligator patch files)
“.echo” (The Echo patch files)
“.repatch” (Rack Extension patch files)
As usual, you will be asked whether you really want to replace the existing patch file.
Export Song/Loop as Audio File...
When you have created a complete song, you will want to mix it down to a WAV or AIFF audio file to make it playable for other people (who don’t use Reason). You can either export the whole song, or only the loop (the region between the left and right locator in the sequencer).
See “Exporting Songs or parts of Songs” for more information.
Bounce Mixer Channels...
Bouncing Mixer Channels basically means “recording” the audio outputs from individual Audio Track Channels and/or Mix Channels to audio files. The audio files can then be saved to disk or placed on new Audio Tracks in your song.
See “Bouncing Mixer Channels” for information on how to bounce mixer channels.
Export REX as MIDI File...
This item is only available if a Dr. Octo Rex device is selected in the rack. If you have loaded a REX file into a Dr. Octo Rex device and wish to play back the loop via MIDI (typically from another sequencer), proceed as follows:
Export Device Remote Info...
This command exports a text file containing the remotable items for the currently selected device (native, Rack Extension or VST) in the rack. This is useful if you’re creating or editing Remote map files.
Recent Songs list
Here is a list of the eight most recently opened Reason Songs. Select any of these songs to open them in new, separate document windows.
Exit (Windows)
This allows you to quit and exit the program. If there are any song documents open with unsaved changes you will be asked whether you want to save those changes before quitting.

Menu and Dialog Reference : File menu