Menu and Dialog Reference : Window menu (Mac OS X version)

Window menu (Mac OS X version)
This minimizes the selected song document window.
This toggles the selected window between the default and the user defined size and position, according to the Apple guidelines. For detached Mixer and rack windows, the default state equals maximized across the screen.
Bring All to Front
This will bring all open Reason windows in front of any other open application’s window(s).
View Main Mixer
Selecting this, or pressing [F5], will maximize the Main Mixer area and bring it into view.
View Racks
Selecting this, or pressing [F6], will maximize the Rack area and bring it into view.
View Sequencer
Selecting this, or pressing [F7], will maximize the Sequencer area and bring it into view.
Detach/Attach Main Mixer
Selecting this, or pressing [Cmd]+[F5], will detach the Main Mixer from the Song document window, and open it in a separate window. When the Main Mixer is detached, the menu item text changes from Detach to Attach. Selecting this will then reattach the Main Mixer to the Song document window again.
Detach/Attach Rack Window
Selecting this, or pressing [Cmd]+[F6], will detach the Rack from the Song document window, and open it in a separate window. When the Rack is detached, the menu item text changes from Detach to Attach. Selecting this will then reattach the Rack to the Song document window.
View All
Selecting this, or pressing [Cmd]+[F7], will reattach any separate windows to the Song document window and show all areas equally sized.
Manage Content
Selecting this brings up the manage Content window, where you can choose do download additional contents to Reason. See “Managing additional content”.
Rack Extensions
Selecting this starts up the Authorizer application, which displays the currently installed Rack Extension devices on your computer. Here you can also delete Rack Extension devices from your computer.
Manage Plugins
Selecting this brings up the Manage Plugins window, where you can manage your VST plugins. See “Managing VST plugins”.
Show/Hide Browser
Selecting this, or pressing [F3], will show or hide the Browser area.
Show/Hide Tutorial
Selecting this will show or hide the Tutorial area.
Show/Hide Transport
Selecting this will show or hide the Transport Panel.
Show/Hide ReGroove Mixer
Selecting this will show or hide the ReGroove Mixer.
Show/Hide Tool Window
Selecting this, or pressing [F8], will show or hide the floating Tool window. This window contains the Sequencer Tools tab (for editing sequencer data) and the Groove Settings tab (for fine-tuning and saving ReGroove patches).
Show/Hide On-screen Piano Keys
Selecting this, or pressing [F4] will show or hide the floating On-screen Piano Keys window. See “On-screen Piano Keys” for information on how to use the On-screen Piano Keys window.
Show Spectrum EQ Window
Selecting this, or pressing [F2], will show or hide the Spectrum EQ Window. See “The Spectrum EQ Window” for more information.
Show/Hide Recording Meter
Selecting this, or pressing [Cmdl]+[F3], will show or hide the floating Recording Meter Window. See “The Recording Meter Window” for more information.
Show Missing Sounds window
Selecting this brings up the Missing Sounds window. See “Handling Missing Sounds” for more information.
Open Song Windows list
This lists all open song document windows. Selecting one makes it the active window. If songs have detached areas in separate windows, these will be included as separate items in the Open Documents list. The currently active window is indicated with a tick to the left of the window name:
In the picture above, the “untitled 3” sequencer window is the currently active window, and consequently also the currently active song. The Mixer and Rack areas of this song are currently detached in separate windows and Minimized, as indicated by the symbols to the left. The round dots to the left of some of the windows show that the song currently contains unsaved edits.

Menu and Dialog Reference : Window menu (Mac OS X version)