NN-XT Sampler : Adjusting parameters

Adjusting parameters
Adjusting Synth parameters
The synth parameters are the ones that occupy the bulk of the remote editor panel (see “Synth Parameters”). Changes you make to synth parameters always apply to all selected zones.
More about this below.
To set several zones to the same value, select them and adjust the parameter.
All zones will be set to the same value for the parameter you adjusted.
Adjusting Group parameters
Group parameters apply to a group. That is, they are settings that are shared by all zones in a group.
All groups will be set to the same value. More about this below.
About “Conflicting” parameters
Often you will find yourself in a situation where you select multiple zones and parameter settings differ between them. This is quite normal. For example, you will often find yourself making adjustments to for example level and filtering to balance the sound between several samples across the keyboard. However, if you have multiple selections this can sometimes lead to confusion: Enter the NN-XT’s “conflicting parameters” indication:
Whenever two or more selected zones have conflicting parameter settings, NN-XT will notify you about this by showing a small “M” (for multiple) symbol, next to the parameter.
In this example, Level and Spread have conflicting settings.
You can put this functionality to good use when checking how a patch has been created and when checking that your own settings are consistent through the various zones.
Sample parameters
The Sample parameters allow you to specify various properties for one or several selected zones, such as tuning, key and velocity ranges.
All zones will be set to the same value for the parameter you adjusted.
Copying parameters between zones
You can easily copy parameter settings from one zone to any number of other zones. Proceed as follows:
By this we mean the zone with the settings you wish to copy, and the zone(s) to which you want to copy the settings.
All the selected zones will now get the exact same parameter settings.
Observe that this only applies to the synth parameters (see “Synth parameters”). Sample parameters (root key, velocity range etc.) can not be copied.

NN-XT Sampler : Adjusting parameters