
Pulveriser is a very versatile stereo in/out compression+distortion+filter device, capable of mangling any sound literally beyond recognition, but also capable of producing more subtle musical effects. Pulveriser features a wonderful compressor, coupled with a nice warm distortion, plus a multi-mode filter. The different sections of Pulveriser can be modulated by an LFO and by an Envelope Follower to allow for really organic modulation effects. Pulveriser also features a Dry/Wet mix control so you can utilize parallel processing in the unit itself, i.e. mix in the processed signal in parallel with the dry signal - great for parallel compression of drum loops etc.
About the Patch format
Pulveriser features programmable effect presets. Included are a number of factory Patches which can be used as they are or provide you with a good starting point for further tweaking.
Patches use the file extension “*.pulver”. Loading and saving Patches is done in the same way as for instrument devices.
