Radical Piano : Connections

Sequencer Control
The Sequencer Control CV and Gate inputs allow you to play Radical Piano from another CV/Gate device (typically a Matrix or an RPG-8). The signal to the CV input controls the note pitch, while the signal to the Gate input delivers note on/off along with velocity.
Modulation In
These control voltage (CV) inputs (with associated trim pots) can modulate following parameters in Radical Piano:
The Pitch can be modulated at a maximum range of +/-1 octave.
Audio In
Route an external audio signal to this input to process it with the Resonance, EQ, Ambience and Compression effects in Radical Piano.
Audio Out
These are the main audio outputs. When you create a new Radical Piano device, these outputs are auto-routed to the first available Mix Channel in the main mixer. If there is no Mix Channel available, a new one will be automatically created.

Radical Piano : Connections