Sampling : Overview

The sampling feature allows you to sample external audio (or internally from the outputs of any device) and use in any of the devices that support sample files, i.e. NN-XT, NN-19, Redrum, Kong, Europa, Grain and RV7000 Mk II.
One-click sampling
The sampling workflow has been designed to be as quick and easy as possible, so you don’t lose any inspiration. Regardless which device you use when sampling - NN-XT, NN-19, Redrum, Kong, Grain or RV7000 Mk II - sampling can be instantly accessed by simply clicking, or by clicking and holding the Sampling button(s) on these devices:
Sampling buttons on NN-XT, NN19, Redrum and Kong respectively.
See “Sampling procedure” for more details on how to sample.
The Edit Sample window
All sampling parameters and functions are controlled from one single window - the Edit Sample window. This window is used when you’re editing samples in any of the devices described above, See “Editing samples” for more details.
The Edit Sample window with a sample.
About sample format, rate and resolution
Whenever you sample in Reason, the resulting audio files are stored in WAV format. The sample rate is determined by the settings on the Audio tab in Preferences (see “Audio settings”). The resolution (bit depth) is fixed at 16 bits.
Reason is totally agnostic about what sample rate you use. If you like, you can change the sample rate at any time without affecting the pitch, playback speed etc. of your samples. What you have once sampled will always sound the same, regardless of the current audio settings.

Sampling : Overview