While the specific parameters for the Scream 4 effect device are described below, some features and procedures are common to all effect devices. Please, refer to “Common effect device features” for information about the Input meter, the Bypass/On/Off switch and Signal Flow Graphs on the effect device.
| Type
- The P2 knob controls Presence. Presence boosts frequencies in the high midrange before the distortion stage which in turn affects the character of the distortion. Turn clockwise for more Presence boost.
• Remember that you don’t have to route the whole drum kit through the Scream device - sometimes it may be better to route the individual outputs from the bass drum, snare and/or toms to a Spider Audio Merger (see “Spider Audio Merger & Splitter”), connect the merged output of the Spider to the Scream 4 and route this to a separate channel in the Mixer. That way, hi-hats, cymbals and similar are unprocessed.
The Spider CV Merger and Splitter (see “Spider CV Merger & Splitter”) can be used to invert and split the Auto CV output for even greater flexibility.