Sequencer Functions : Sequencer area overview

Sequencer area overview
Song View and Edit Mode
The Song View is the “normal view” where you are working with your song arrangement. This mode gives a good overview of the contents of the tracks in your song. If the Enable Blocks function on the Options menu is active, the Blocks track is also visible at the top in the Track List. If the Enable Blocks function is off, there is no Blocks track in the Track List.
On the Blocks track you arrange the Block automation clips that control which Block should play back (see “Working with Blocks in the Sequencer”).
Edit Mode is where you edit the contents of the clips in your song.
In Edit Mode the Edit Pane shows detailed information about the content of one track (see “Tracks overview”), or lane (see “Lanes overview”) at a time and you can edit the events in individual clips (see “Clips overview”).
Song View
In the Song View, all clips on all tracks can be viewed. Use this mode to get an overview of your arrangement, and when you want to perform clip-based editing such as rearranging whole sections of your song, etc.
Edit Mode
In Edit Mode, you get a close-up look at the recordings on a track. In Edit Mode, the Edit Pane can be divided into several horizontal edit rows, showing different types of events (notes, velocity, audio, parameter automation, etc.). This is the view mode of choice for fine editing the content of your recorded clips, and for drawing notes, performance controllers and other events manually.
Toolbar overview
The sequencer Toolbar features various sequencer editing tools as well as the Snap function. The tools can be used in both Edit Mode and the Song/Block Views, with slightly different purposes in the respective modes. See “Toolbar details” for details about each tool.
Track List overview
To the left in the sequencer, all tracks are listed in the Track List. Each track in the sequencer is associated with a specific device in the rack. By clicking on a device icon in the Track List you automatically set Master Keyboard Input (see “Setting Master Keyboard Input”) to the corresponding device in the rack for playing and/or recording.
Tracks overview
Most rack devices in a song automatically get their own dedicated track in the sequencer when you create the device. Each track can feature one or several lanes on which audio, note, performance controller, pattern and parameter automation events can be recorded - in clips. See “Track details” for more details about tracks.
Lanes overview
Each track consists of one (default) or several parallel lanes. The lanes can contain clips that feature note events or audio recordings, depending on track type. A track can also feature automation lanes that contain clips with parameter automation events - or pattern automation for pattern based devices. See “Lane details” for more details about lanes.
Clips overview
Note, audio, performance controller, pattern and parameter automation events are always contained in clips. A clip is basically a “container” for recorded data. Audio clips are displayed in the Edit/Arrange Pane as a rectangular box with one or two graphical audio waves inside (mono or stereo). Note events are displayed in a “piano roll” fashion in the clip. Performance controllers and parameter automation events are displayed as continuous lines, and pattern events are displayed as repeated rectangles in the clips. See “Clip basics” for information about the different clip types.
Inspector overview
The context sensitive Inspector shows the properties of whatever is currently selected in the sequencer: clips, notes, automation events, audio comp rows and cuts etc. The properties of the selected item can be edited by changing the values in the various displays. See “About the Inspector” for more info.
Ruler overview
The Ruler is the song’s “time line”, measured in bars. In the Ruler, the Song Position Pointer indicates the current position in the song, i.e. in which bar the song is, or will begin, playing. The Ruler also shows the Left and Right Loop Locators as well as the Song End Marker. See “Ruler details” for more details.
Edit/Arrangement Pane overview
The big center section of the sequencer is called the Edit/Arrangement Pane. This is where all recorded events reside in clips - on one or more lanes on the respective track.
Track scrollbar overview
To the far right in the sequencer is the Track scrollbar. With the Track scrollbar you can scroll vertically on the Edit/Arrange Pane. See “Scrolling” and “Zooming in the Sequencer” for more details.
Song Navigator overview
Below the Edit/Arrangement Pane is the Song Navigator. With the Song Navigator you can scroll and zoom horizontally on the Edit/Arrangement Pane. The Song Navigator also features indicators for the Ruler’s Loop Locators, Song Position Pointer and Song End Marker. In the Song Navigator, all clips on all lanes are displayed as colored lines, indicating their positions in the song. See “Scrolling” and “Zooming in the Sequencer” for more details.
Transport Panel overview
The Transport Panel features the sequencer transport controls (Rewind, Fast Forward, Stop, Play and Record) as well as controls for Tempo, Time Signature, Position, Time and Loop Locator placements and some other functions. See “Transport Panel details” for more details.

Sequencer Functions : Sequencer area overview