The Inspector, located above the Edit/Arrangement Pane, can be used for a number of different editing purposes pertaining to clips, events and recordings. The Inspector is context sensitive, meaning it will have different content and functionality depending on what is currently selected. How to edit using the Inspector is described in detail in the sections “Resizing clips using the Inspector”, “Moving clips using the Inspector”, “Editing recordings and cuts in the Inspector” and “Editing notes and events in the Inspector”.The “Match Values” function in the Inspector can be used to match the positions, lengths and/or values of several selected clips, notes, events or recordings to the position, length and/or value of the topmost (or leftmost) selected clip, note, event or recording. Refer to “Matching clips using the “Match Values” function”, “Matching audio values using the "Match Values" function” and “Matching notes or events using the “Match Values” function”.