Softube Amps : Using the Softube Amps

Using the Softube Amps
Loading and saving patches
Loading and saving patches in the Softube Amps is done in the same way as with any other Reason/Reason Essentials device - see “Sounds, Patches and the Browser” for more details.
Selecting Amp and Cabinet model
There are six basic Amp models to choose from; four in the Softube Amp and two in the Softube Bass Amp. There are also four Cabinet + microphone combination models in the Softube Amp and three Cabinet + microphone combination models in the Softube Bass Amp.
You can use any Amp model with any Cabinet + microphone model. For general model descriptions see “About the Amp and Cabinet models”.
Selecting Amp model
Amp selectors on the Softube Amp and Softube Bass Amp respectively.
Selecting Cabinet model
You can use any Cabinet with any selected Amp model.
Cabinet selectors on the Softube Amp and Softube Bass Amp respectively.
About the Amp and Cabinet models
Softube Amp
The following Amp models are available in the Softube Amp:
The following Cabinet models are available in the Softube Amp:
Softube Bass Amp
The following Amp models are available in the Softube Bass Amp:
The following Cabinet models are available in the Softube Bass Amp:
Amp panel controls
Softube Amp
The panel controls are used for tweaking the sound. The following controls can be found in the Softube Amp:
Softube Bass Amp
The panel controls are used for tweaking the sound. The following controls can be found in the Softube Bass Amp:
If you only connect in mono to the Left input, the output will still be in stereo (if you connect both outputs).

Softube Amps : Using the Softube Amps