Song File Handling : Opening Songs

Opening Songs
Opening a Reason or Record Song
To open a Reason Song:
Or, if you want to open a Song file from within the program:
The Browser appears (if it was hidden) in the Song window.
See “Using the Browser” in the “Sounds and Patches” chapter.
The song opens in a new document window.
If the “Missing Sounds” window appears
If the song includes samples or REX files, and these have been moved or renamed since the song was saved, the program will inform you that it cannot find all files. You can then choose to either manually locate the missing files, to have the program search for them or to proceed without the missing sounds. For details, see “Handling Missing Sounds” in the “Sounds and Patches” chapter.
If “Missing Device” panels appear in the rack
When you open a Reason song made by another user, it may have been created with Rack Extension devices that you don't have. All such missing devices in a song will be replaced by generic “Missing Device” placeholder devices. See “About missing Rack Extensions” for more information.
About opening Reason Version 5 (or earlier) Songs in Reason Version 10
If you run Reason in Authorized mode, it’s also possible to open older Reason (.rns, .rps and .rsb) songs. A Reason Song created in Reason Version 5 or earlier will end up in a separate Song document, just like an ordinary Reason Version 10 Song. All Rack device and sequencer track configuration will be preserved as well as all cable connections. The only things that will be changed are these:
Opening a Reason Demo Song
Reason Demo Songs are factory made songs that demonstrate how Reason can be used in various musical projects. If you run Reason in “Demo Mode” (unauthorized), you will only be able to open Demo Songs - but not regular Songs. If you run Reason in authorized mode, the Open Demo Song item is available in addition to the regular Open item.
You could also select “Download more Demo Songs” from the sub-menu. This will open your default web browser and direct you to the Reason Demo Songs page on the Propellerhead web site. On this page you can download additional Reason Demo Songs to your computer. You will then have to use the “Open Demo Song” command from the File menu to open the downloaded Demo Songs.
Opening the last Song at program launch
It’s possible to instruct Reason to automatically open the last Song you worked on each time you launch Reason. You select this on the “General” tab in the “Preferences” dialog.
When you launch Reason the next time, the last saved Song will automatically open in a document window.

Song File Handling : Opening Songs