Song File Handling : Creating Songs

Creating Songs
Creating a new Song
A new Song document window appears. By default, the new Song contains the following:
The Master Section device’s Master Out L & R are connected to the Reason Hardware Interface Audio Out 1 & 2.
Setting up a Default Song
It’s possible to specify a certain Song document which will automatically open as a “template” each time you select “New” from the File menu. The Default Song could be any Song you have created earlier, or a factory made Template Song. You can select this Default Song on the “General” tab in the “Preferences” dialog.
Each time you create a new Song (by selecting “New” from the File menu), the selected Song will be loaded and used as a template for your new Song. On Windows platforms, the Song document will be named “Document n” where “n” is an incremental number. On Mac OS X platforms, the document will be named “untitled n” where “n” is an incremental number. You can then save your Song with a new name.
Creating a new Song from a template
The selected Template Song appears in a new document window. On Windows platforms, the document will be named “Document n” where “n” is an incremental number. On Mac OS X platforms, the document will be named “untitled n” where “n” is an incremental number. You can then save your Song with a new name.

Song File Handling : Creating Songs