Synchronization and Advanced MIDI : Synchronization using Ableton Link

Synchronization using Ableton Link
About Ableton Link
Link by Ableton is a technology that keeps sequencing/playback devices and applications in sync over a wireless network. By connecting to the same network as other Ableton Link users you will be able to jam in perfect sync with other Ableton Link-enabled applications. Other users may be using apps on iOS devices or similar, but that’s perfectly fine, Link works across platforms!
Any of the Ableton Link users can then start and stop their part while others keep playing. Any user in the network can also adjust the tempo in real-time and the rest of the “linked” applications/devices will follow.
Synchronizing Reason’s sequencer with Ableton Link
This is done where you configure your network in your computer OS.
In the Sync Mode section a green progress bar constantly indicates the tempo and the current “position” (phase) within one single Bar.
The number to the right of the progress bar shows how many other Link users you are connected to (4 in the example above).
The Reason sequencer will start when the green progress bar reaches the current play head position (phase) within the current Bar. This means that the start of the sequencer will always be correct within the Bar and thus in perfect phase-sync with the rest of the Link devices/applications.
Similarly, if the tempo is changed in any of the other Link applications in the network, Reason’s sequencer tempo will change. The tempo is constantly updated and displayed in real-time in the Tempo display on the Transport panel.
If your song has tempo automation, please have a look at “About Tempo Automation when using Ableton Link” for some additional information.
About recording in the sequencer when using Ableton Link
It’s also possible to record in the sequencer while synchronized to Ableton Link. A couple of important things, tough:
This is to enable the Recording Latency Compensation function, see “Recording Latency Compensation”.
About using different time signatures with Ableton Link
Using a different time signature than the other devices/applications in the Ableton Link network works just fine. The sync progress bar on the Transport panel always shows the sync phase of one single Bar, regardless of selected time signature. Using different time signatures may of course generate interesting rhythmical results, though.
About synchronizing external MIDI instruments while using Ableton Link
It’s also possible to synchronize external MIDI instruments from Reason via MIDI Clock, while you are using Ableton Link. This is very useful if you, for example, are using external hardware MIDI instruments and want them to follow the Ableton Link synchronization tempo.
The Reason sequencer will start when the green progress bar reaches the current play head position (phase) within the current Bar. As the sequencer starts, any external MIDI instruments will also be started and synced to Reason’s MIDI Clock signal. The MIDI Clock tempo will then automatically follow the Ableton Link tempo.
About Tempo Automation when using Ableton Link
If you use Ableton Link synchronization in a Reason song which has Tempo Automation, the Tempo Automation lane will be automatically muted in the sequencer:
The song will then automatically follow the Ableton Link tempo instead and disregard any tempo automation.
The Tempo Automation lane is also automatically unmuted.
The Automation Override indicator on the Transport panel is also lit:

Synchronization and Advanced MIDI : Synchronization using Ableton Link