See “Using compression sidechaining” for a description of further uses of sidechaining.
The Insert effects can be placed ahead of the Dynamics and EQ sections in the signal path - see “Signal Path section”.
• See “Insert FX” for descriptions of how to work with Insert effects.
Send effects, which are global for all channels in the Main Mixer, are connected to the Master Section rack device. Up to 8 Send effects can be used simultaneously. For a description of how to use Send effects, see “Send FX”.
Clicking a channel’s Solo button silences all other mixer channels, so that you only hear the soloed channel. Several channels can be soloed at the same time, but if this is the case, note that soloed channels can’t be muted with the Mute button. To mute one of several channels in solo mode you simply “un-solo” it. There are also Mute All Off/Solo All Off buttons in the Master Section - see “Master Section Header”.
If you are using Output Busses (see “Output Busses”) and/or Parallel Channels (see “Parallel Channels”), the Solo and Mute functions affect the other concerned channels in an intelligent way, see “Solo, Mute and Send FX logic”.
If a channel is an Output Bus (see “Output Busses”), the Fader section background is colored and the Fader knob is red.
The meter is a graphical representation of the channel output level. Stereo channels have two level bars and mono channels have one. If the signal level pushes the meter into the red, to avoid distortion try lowering either the output level of the device connected to the channel device or the channel fader itself. The meter is a VU meter, taking into account any VU offset set in the Big Meter of the Reason Hardware Device - see “The Big Meter”.
• The Remote Base Channel indicator - To the left in the same horizontal strip area a small yellow arrow symbol can be shown. This is the Remote Base Channel indicator, which shows which channel is considered the first or base channel when using Remote Control - see “Setting the Remote Base Channel”.