By definition, insert effects are inserted in the signal chain and process the whole channel signal, as opposed to Send effects (see “Send FX”) where the effect balance is adjustable. Typical insert effects are dynamics, distortion, chorus etc., plus mastering effects for the Master Section.
• The parameter assignments are made in the same way as when creating/editing regular Combinator devices (see “The Combinator”). The parameters you assign to the Insert FX Programmer panel in the rack are automatically mirrored on the four knobs and buttons in the Insert FX section on the channel strip.
3. An alert appears asking you to confirm the deletion. (See “Deleting devices” for more details).Send effects are routed in parallel with the signal chain, and the effect balance can be adjusted - as opposed to Insert effects, which are inserted in the signal chain and process the whole channel signal (see “Insert FX”). Typical Send effects include reverbs and delays.
• An alert appears asking you to confirm the deletion. (See “Deleting devices” for more details).