Note that you can also connect sections using the Modulation bus section (see “Modulation bus routing section”). You are not in any way limited to the pre-defined routings, but they do provide a quick and convenient way to connect the basic synth “building blocks” together.The following oscillator types are available; Analog, Wavetable, Phase Modulation, FM Pair, Multi and Noise. For a description of the various oscillator types, see “The Oscillator section”.A pop-up menu with the four available Filter types appears. For a description of the filter types, see “Filter slots”.
6. That concludes this tutorial on how the pre-wired connections in the Voice section can be used, but note that you can also use the Modulation bus to make connections - see “Modulation bus routing section”.
| Mode Thor has three open Filter slots, two in the Voice section (which act per-voice) and one in the Global section which is global for all voices (see “Global Filter slot”).The pre-defined routings of the three oscillators into the Filter 1-2 sections is described in the “Basic connections - a tutorial” passage.
There are three Envelope generators in the Voice section. These are the Amp envelope, the Filter envelope and the Mod envelope. Each voice played has a separate envelope. There is also an additional Global Envelope which is described separately - see “Global Envelope”.
See “Filter slots” for a description of the filter types.