Working with VST Plugins : The Plugin Rack Device

The Plugin Rack Device
When you create a VST in Reason it’s automatically housed in a Plugin Rack Device. The Plugin Rack Device is a “container” for the VST plugin and represents the VST in the Reason rack. The Plugin Rack Device much resembles a Combinator device and features audio inputs and outputs as well as CV connectors and a CV Programmer section.
If the VST is detected as an instrument the Plugin Rack Device is automatically connected to a Mix Channel device, just like any other instrument device in Reason.
Front panel
A Plugin Rack Device representing an Arturia ARP 2600 V3 VST instrument.
A Plugin Rack Device representing a Sonic Charge Permut8 VST effect.
A Plugin Rack Device for a VST instrument has Pitch and Mod Wheel controls, whereas a Plugin Rack Device for a VST effect has the standard “Bypass/On/Off” switch (like any other Effect device in the rack).
There are also Next/Previous VST Program buttons to the right of the patch display, where you can step through the programs loaded in the VST plugin itself, see “Selecting VST programs”.
Disabling a VST plugin will also reduce the CPU/DSP Load.
The CV Programmer
The CV Programmer of the Plugin Rack Device.
On the CV Programmer panel you can route CV signals from other (modulation) devices in the rack to parameters of the VST plugin. Each of the eight CV slots can receive a CV signal connected to the corresponding Modulation CV In connector on the rear panel of the Plugin Rack Device (see “Rear panel” below).
Refer to “CV modulation of VST parameters” for information on how to route CV signals to VST parameters.
Rear panel
The rear panel of the Plugin Rack Device, with the CV Programmer unfolded.
The rear panel features Sequencer Control connectors for controlling VSTs from e.g. step sequencers and arpeggiator devices. This section is available only if the Plugin Rack Device represents a VST Instrument. To the right are audio inputs and outputs.
On the unfolded CV Programmer panel are eight CV modulation inputs, for controlling VST parameters from connected CV modulation sources.
To the right on the CV Programmer panel are optional audio inputs and outputs. If the VST supports the use of multiple audio inputs and/or outputs, the available jacks are indicated by green LEDs.
For more details about CV controlling VSTs, see “CV modulation of VST parameters”.
About auto-routing of VSTs in the rack
Auto-routing of VST instruments
The auto-routing rules for VST instruments are very straight forward:
Auto-routing of VST effects
Unlike with native Reason effects and Rack Extension effects, there can be mono VSTs, with mono in/mono out. Also, Reason doesn't know whether a stereo VST effect device is "dual mono" or generates stereo from a mono signal.
There are two cases to be aware of:
The Plugin Window
The VST plugin panel is shown in a separate floating window - the Plugin Window - that is kept on top of the song window(s). Several Plugin Windows can be open at the same time.
Opening the Plugin Window
The Plugin Window opens up and shows the VST panel:
The MicroTonic VST in its Plugin Window.
General functions in the Plugin Window
This is for helping you finding the correct Plugin Window, especially if there are several instances of the same plugin.
At the top of the Plugin Window are a number of icons:
If you activate the “Keep open” function, the Plugin Window(s) will not be automatically closed when you select another device in the rack. Having the “Keep open” selected on several Plugin Windows makes it possible to have several VST panels open at the same time.
Click this button when you want to assign a VST parameter for automation in the Reason sequencer, see “Automating VST parameters”.
Click this button and then select a VST parameter you want to remote control from your MIDI keyboard/control surface, see “Remote controlling VST parameters”.
Click the camera symbol to take a screenshot of the VST front panel:
The screenshot is then automatically scaled down and placed on the corresponding Palette in the Browser, and in the Plugin Rack Device display:
The screenshot of the MicroTonic VST is scaled down and displayed in the Browser and in the Plugin Rack Device.
Closing the Plugin Window
The Plugin Window can be closed in a number of different ways:
This works regardless of whether the “Keep open” function in the Plugin Window is on or off.
This works regardless of whether the “Keep open” function in the Plugin Window is on or off.
If the “Keep open” function in the Plugin Window is active, selecting another device in the rack will NOT close the Plugin Window (see “Keep open” above).
Editing the VST parameters
Editing a VST is done in the same way as when editing a native device or a Rack Extension device, only VSTs are edited in their Plugin Windows - not in the rack.
About Undo and Redo
The Undo/Redo functions in Reason also work in most situations when editing VST parameters in the Plugin Window(s).
Automating VST parameters
Automating VST parameters in the Reason sequencer works in a similar way as for native devices and Rack Extension devices. Basically, there are three ways of automating VST parameters in the Reason sequencer:
Each of the edited VST parameters automatically gets their own automation lane on the sequencer track, with clips and automation points recorded. Make sure the Parameter Automation is record-enabled on the track first.
Another alternative is this:
The automated VST parameter gets an automation lane in the Reason sequencer:
CV modulation of VST parameters
There are eight CV inputs on the rear panel of the Plugin Rack Device. These CV inputs can be assigned on the CV Programmer panel of the Plugin Rack Device.
The CV Programmer of the Plugin Rack Device.
For each slot on the CV Programmer panel you can:
Several slots can use the same CV input.
The range is -100 to 100.
This can also be done with Learn function (see below).
The Base Value is the value the parameter has the time you select it on the VST panel. This is similar to the “Static Value” used when automating parameters on native Reason devices and Rack Extension devices. The exact Base Value is shown in the corresponding value slider.
CV controlling VST parameters using the Learn function
The Learn button lights up and the Plugin Window is opened and brought to front. In the Plugin Window, the text display tells you to move a parameter.
In this example we click the Fine Tune slider of Oscillator 1 to assign it.
The Fine Tune Osc1 parameter is now assigned in the Parameter column for CV slot 1:
Remote controlling VST parameters
It’s possible to assign Remote Overrides to VST parameters, to be able to control VST parameters from your connected MIDI Control Keyboard/Surface.
Adding a Remote Override to a parameter
The button is highlighted and a text display tells you to click a parameter.
The Remote Override Edit dialog appears for this parameter:
Knob 8 on the MIDI keyboard assigned to control the DistAmt1 parameter on the MicroTonic VST.
Removing a Remote Override from a parameter
The button is highlighted and a text display tells you to click a parameter.
A context menu appears where you can select “Edit Remote Override Mapping...” (to reassign an override), or “Clear Remote Override Mapping” to remove the override.
Selecting VST programs
Programs for VST plugins can be selected from the Plugin Rack Device (if the VST supports programs). For example, if you load a bank (fxb) using Reason’s Browser, the fxb bank may contain a number of different programs, which are then loaded into the VST.
These methods also work if the VST has presets that are automatically loaded when you create the device.
About saving songs that contain VSTs
When you save a Reason song document, all VST patch/program data is automatically embedded in the song document. This means that you can load VST patches/programs, edit them and then save the Reason song without needing to save the edited VST patches/programs separately. This works exactly the same way as for patches in native Reason devices and Rack Extension devices.
Combining VST plugins in Combinator devices
A Plugin Rack Device can be Combined just like any other device types. In the Combi Programmer, all VST parameters are listed. See “The Combinator” for more information.
About missing VST plugins
When you open a Reason song from another user, it might have been created using VST plugins that you don't have. When you open such a song, any missing VSTs are replaced by empty Plugin Rack Devices in the rack:
An empty Plugin Rack Device representing a VST which is currently unavailable on your computer.
If it's an effect, it will bypass the audio (or be silent, if connected as a send effect).
When your friend opens the song, the missing VST will be restored with all settings intact.

Working with VST Plugins : The Plugin Rack Device