Dr. Octo Rex Loop Player : Adding Loops

Adding Loops
To add one or several (max 8) loops into the Dr. Octo Rex Loop Player, proceed as follows:
Alternatively, select “Browse Loops...” from the Edit menu or the device context menu.
You can listen to the loops before loading by using the Preview function in the Browser.
To select a range of loops, hold down [Shift] while clicking the last file.
If you have selected several loops, the first loop will load in the selected Loop Slot and the rest will load in consecutive Loop Slots.
Loading Loops “On the Fly”
Another practical method for checking out loops, is to load them “on the fly”, i.e. during playback. This is especially useful if you want to check out a number of loops against other sequencer data and patterns previously recorded. Proceed as follows:
The REX loops and the sequencer are synced.
After a brief silence, the new file is loaded, and sync is maintained.
Or, you can click in the loop name display and select a new loop from the pop-up menu that appears.
Removing Loops
Cut/Copy and Paste Loops between Loop Slots
To cut or copy a loop from one Loop Slot and paste into another, proceed as follows:
Now, you can edit the slices of the pasted loop as desired, see “Slice handling”.

Dr. Octo Rex Loop Player : Adding Loops