This chapter contains compiled lists of all keyboard shortcuts and modifier keys available in Reason - and in all Reason devices. Keyboard shortcuts are keys or combinations of keys that can be pressed to execute various functions. Modifier keys are keys that can be used in combination with the mouse, to execute additional functions.
In most cases, which key(s) to use is different on Mac OS X and Windows. The keys to use are listed in the right column of the tables below, with the Mac key(s) to the left and the Windows key(s) to the right of the slash, i.e.
[Mac key(s)]/[Windows key(s)].
Duplicate Devices and tracks, or selected clip(s), or selected comp row(s) in open audio clips, or selected note(s) in note clips, or selected automation point(s) in automation clips.
Cut Track & Device (track selected in Track List), Cut Clip or Event (depending on current selection).
Copy Track & Device (track selected in Track List), Copy Clip or Event (depending on current selection).
Switch to one of the 10 corresponding global Remote variations (or "keyboard shortcut variations").
[Shift]/[Ctrl]+Select (Windows only: [Shift]+Select to select a range of clips/events in the Sequencer)
Prevent creation of Sequencer-track for devices that normally will get a track. Create Sequencer-track for devices that normally will not get a track.
[Option]/[Alt] and left arrow key.
Numeric keypad [1]
[Option]/[Alt] and right arrow key.
Numeric keypad [2]
[Shift]+[Tab] or [Command]/[Ctrl]+[E]
[Command]+[Option]+[Shift]/[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Shift] and
up/down arrow keys
[Command]+[Option]+[Shift]/[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Shift] and
left/right arrow keys
Zoom in/out horizontally on the Edit/Arrange pane. (Drag sideways to scroll horizontally at the same time)
Switch to zoom out with the Magnifying Glass tool instead of zoom in (with either the Magnifying Glass- or the Hand tool selected).
[Shift]+Zoom with Magnifying Glass tool
Select next device up or down (rack selected), select next track up or down (track list selected), select clip on next/previous lane (Arrange view selected).
Select next/previous clip on lane (Arrange view selected), select next/previous value field (Position displays). These key commands can be used in the save dialog that appears if you close a song document that contains unsaved changes:
Audition sample. In sample column, at root pitch and unprocessed. In keyboard column, at corresponding pitch and with processing applied.