Malström Synthesizer : Connections

Flipping the Malström around reveals a wide array of connection possibilities. Most of these are CV/Gate related. Using CV/Gate is described in the chapter “Routing Audio and CV”.
Audio Output
These are the Malström’s audio outputs. When you create a new Malström device, they are auto-routed to the first available channel on the audio mixer:
These are the main stereo outputs. Each of the two filters are connected to a separate output, and by connecting both, you can have stereo output. Whether the output really will be in stereo however, is determined by the routing and the Spread parameter. See “Routing” for details about this.
These make it possible to output the sound directly after the Amp Envelope of each oscillator, bypassing the filter section. Connecting one or both of these to a channel on the audio mixer will break the Malström’s internal signal chain. That is, it is not possible to process the sound by using the filters and the shaper of the Malström. the sound instead goes directly to the mixer.
Audio Input
These inputs let you connect either other audio sources, or the Malström’s own internal signal directly to the filters and the shaper - see “Routing external audio to the filters”.
Sequencer Control
The Sequencer Control CV and Gate inputs allow you to play the Malström from another CV/Gate device (typically a Matrix or a Redrum). The signal to the CV input controls the note pitch, while the signal to the Gate input delivers note on/off along with velocity.
Gate Input
These inputs can receive a CV signal to trigger the following envelopes:
Note that connecting to these inputs will override the normal triggering of the envelopes. For example, if you connected a Modulation output to the Gate Amp in-put, you would not trigger the amp envelope by playing notes, as this is now controlled by the Modulator. In addition you would only hear the Modulator triggering the envelope for the notes that you hold down.
Modulation Input
These control voltage (CV) inputs (with associated voltage trim pots and A/B selector switches), can modulate various Malström parameters from other devices, or from the modulation outputs of the same Malström device. These inputs can control the following parameters:
Modulation Output
The Modulation outputs can be used to voltage control other devices, or other parameters in the same Malström device.
The Modulation Outputs are:

Malström Synthesizer : Connections