Select this to create a new audio track in the sequencer, its associated Audio Track Device in the rack with its corresponding channel strip in the Main Mixer. The audio track, device and channel strip will be automatically named “Audio Track n”, where “n” is an incremental number.You could then rename the track, device and channel strip afterwards if you like - see “Naming tracks”.Selecting this will open the corresponding device palette in the Browser, where you can add new devices to the rack. Depending on which menu item you selected, the browser will be set to show instrument or effect devices only.Selecting this will open the Effect device palette in the Browser. If you create an effect device now, this will be automatically routed as a Send Effect to the first available FX Send and FX Return connector pair on the main mixer Master Section device.Depending on what type of device you create, the result can be different. See “Creating devices” for a complete description of what happens when you create different device types.Rack Extension devices are sorted below the Reason devices, in alphabetical order per manufacturer. However, Propellerhead Rack Extension devices are always shown at the top of the Rack Extension section.