This menu item opens up the on-line Help system in your default web browser. The Reason Help contains detailed information about all functions in Reason. You can choose to browse for information, either from the Table of Contents (TOC), Index or Search tabs in the Help system.Selecting this item will open up your default web browser and direct you the Reason Video Tutorials page on the Propellerhead web site.This menu item launches your default web browser and brings you to your Profile page on Propellerhead. There you can log in, make settings and manage your music.This item starts up your default web browser and takes you to the Propellerhead Shop, where you can get more Rack Extension devices for your Reason rack and also purchase additional ReFills.With a Rack Extension device selected in the rack, selecting this item will start up your default web browser, which will take you to the product page for the R.E. at the Propellerhead web site.