All input and output connectors are as usual located on the back panel of the Mixer 14:2. Special connectors are used for “chaining” two or more Mixer 14:2 devices together. This is described on “Chaining several Mixer 14:2 devices”.
In addition, there are two Control Voltage (CV) inputs (with associated voltage trim pots), for voltage controlling channel Level and Pan from other devices.When a Send is connected to an effects device, the corresponding AUX Send knob determines the level of the signal sent to the effect device for each channel. The Send Output is taken post-channel fader but you have the option of selecting pre-fader mode for AUX Send 4.
Note that some effects (for example the Comp-01 compressor or the PEQ2 parametric EQ) are effect types which are not designed to be used as AUX Send effects, but rather as insert effects, where the whole signal is passed through the effect.
• In addition to the Master Out connectors, there is a Control Voltage (CV) input (and an associated trim pot), for voltage controlling the Master Level from another device.