These are the main CV/Gate inputs. CV controls the note pitch. Gate inputs trigger note on/off values plus a level, which can be likened to a velocity value. If you want to control the NN-19 from a Matrix Pattern Sequencer for example, you would normally use these inputs. The inputs are “mono”, i.e. they control one voice in the sampler.
These control voltage (CV) inputs (with associated voltage trim pots), can modulate various NN-19 parameters from other devices, or from the modulation outputs of the same NN-19 device. These inputs can control the following parameters:
These inputs can receive a CV signal to trigger the envelopes. Note that connecting to these inputs will override the “normal” triggering of the envelopes. For example, if you connected a LFO output to the Gate Amp input, you would not trigger the amp envelope by playing notes, as this is now controlled by the LFO. In addition you would only hear the LFO triggering the envelope for the notes that you hold down.