On the back panel of NN-XT are a number of connectors. Many of these are CV/Gate related. Using CV/Gate is described in the chapter “Routing Audio and CV”.The Sequencer Control CV and Gate inputs allow you to play the NN-XT from another CV/Gate device (typically a Matrix or a Redrum). The signal to the CV input controls the note pitch, while the signal to the Gate input delivers note on/off along with velocity.These control voltage (CV) inputs (with associated voltage trim pots), can modulate various NN-XT parameters from other devices. These inputs can control the following parameters:
• Note that connecting to these inputs will override the normal triggering of the envelopes. For example, if you connect a Matrix Gate Out to the Gate In Amp Envelope, you would not trigger the amp envelope by playing notes, as this is now controlled by the Matrix Gate Out. In addition you would only hear the Gate Out triggering the envelope for the notes that you hold down.There are 16 audio output jacks on the NN-XT’s back panel - eight separate stereo pairs. When you create a new NN-XT device, the first output pair (1L & 2R) is auto-routed to the first available channel on the audio mixer.The other output pairs are never automatically routed. If you wish to use any of the other output pairs, you have to manually connect them to the desired device - typically a Mix Channel device. The basics on Routing is described in “Routing Audio and CV”.
Note that when you use any other output pair than the first, you also have to route one or more zones to it if you want it to actually output sound, since all zones by default are routed to outputs 1 & 2. How to route zones to other outputs is described in the “Out” section.