Neptune Pitch Adjuster and Voice Synth

Neptune Pitch Adjuster and Voice Synth
The Neptune Pitch Adjuster and Voice Synth device is a combined monophonic vocal pitch corrector, pitch shifter and polyphonic voice synth. Neptune was designed with focus on high-quality vocal processing but can also be used on other material. However, due to the signal characteristics of other types of audio (complex inharmonic instrument sounds, polyphonic material etc.) the result of the pitch adjustments might not be what you would expect. Don’t hesitate to experiment, though!
Used as a pitch corrector, Neptune can automatically correct flat monophonic input signals and output corrected notes in real-time. The pitch correction can be adjusted from totally transparent to hard, robot-like. The correction can be controlled from predefined scales, from input MIDI notes or from a combination of both!
When used as a pitch shifter, Neptune performs overall pitch-shifting of incoming monophonic audio in real-time and transposes the output to a defined value within a ±1 octave range.
The Voice Synth section in Neptune allows you to add additional voices - harmonies - to a monophonic vocal input signal and to control the voices via MIDI - from sequencer notes or by playing on your MIDI master keyboard.
Neptune also features controls for adjusting formants and for adding pitch bend and vibrato to the processed signal.
Typical use cases
Neptune can be used in a variety of ways and situations. Here are some examples:
Neptune is used as an Insert Effect on the vocal audio track, with the Pitch Adjust’s Scale set to desired scale. The Correction Speed parameter is set to a moderate value.
Neptune is used as an Insert Effect on the vocal audio track, with the Pitch Adjust’s Scale set to desired scale. The Correction Speed parameter is set to max value and the Preserve Expression parameter to minimum.
Neptune is used as a Send Effect. The Pitch Adjust section is turned off and the Transpose section is activated. The Semi parameter is set to +12 to transpose up 1 octave. The Send FX control on the mixer is used for balancing the level of the octave-shifted voice. The Formant Shift control is used for making the transposed voice sound more natural (or unnatural, if that's desired).
Neptune is used as an Insert Effect on the vocal audio track and MIDI Input is routed to the Voice Synth via the Neptune sequencer track. Play some notes on your MIDI master keyboard and use the Voice Synth breakout jacks connected to a separate Mix Channel for further processing.
The Pitch Adjust section is turned off and the Transpose section is activated. The Transpose parameters are set to desired values.

Neptune Pitch Adjuster and Voice Synth