If you select a note, four displays appear in the Inspector, showing the event (start) Position, Length, Note
number and Velocity value:
Edit the values by clicking on a segment in a display and then drag up/down, use the up/down spin controls, or type in new values. Snap is not taken into account.See “Inspector segment displays” for details on how to edit in the Inspector displays.
Note that when moving the position of events, these may end up outside the clip and be masked (not played). There will be no warning or indication if this should happen. However, since the clip is open in Edit Mode, you will be able to see if events are masked.
• If the Tick segment in the Position and/or Length displays shows an asterisk (*), it means that the value is a fraction of a Tick - a subtick. See “About subticks in the Position and Length displays” for more info.When you edit values for several selected events, the changes will always be relative. For example, if you change the position, length, pitch or velocity when several notes are selected, they will all be changed by the same amount, retaining their relative values.If several selected events have the same start position, the displays will show the values for the event with the lowest Note value (for note events) or lowest Value (for automation events).
• The “Match Values” function in the Inspector can be used for matching the positions, lengths and velocities of several selected note events to the position/length/velocity of the selected event with the earliest start position in the song. It’s always the values of the earliest event that are shown in the displays. Similarly, automation events can be matched to the position and/or value of the earliest selected automation event in the song.If several selected events have the same start position, the matching will be to the values for the event with the lowest Note value (for note events) or lowest Value (for automation events).Matching parameter automation event values is useful if you want an automated device parameter to be modulated to the same value throughout the clip.
• Let’s say you want to modulate a parameter to a maximum value of 80 several times throughout the clip. Then, just select all “max value” events, click the “Match Values” button and then adjust the Value to 80 for the selected events.
• Matching the positions of several automation events in a single clip is not really useful. It will only place them in a “pile” on the same position. The effect during playback would be an instant jump between the extreme values. In practice, all events in between the extreme values will be disregarded.