Note events can be recorded for instrument devices and are contained in note clips. Performance controller events, such as Mod Wheel, Pitch Bend and Aftertouch events, can also be recorded for instrument devices, and be contained in note clips, but they are described separately in
“Parameter automation recording details”.
To record notes for an instrument device - or for an external MIDI instrument - on a track in the sequencer, you need only create an instrument track as described in
“Creating an instrument track”. The instrument track will automatically have Master Keyboard Input and the note lane will automatically be record enabled. Since you will only be recording MIDI events on the instrument track - and no audio - there is no need to adjust audio levels etc. These can always be adjusted afterwards.
Recording over or into an existing note clip will simply add new note events to the previously recorded events in the note clip as described in
“Recording notes in Loop mode”. However, If the new recording should start before the original clip, and expand into the original clip, a new clip will be created and will engulf the original clip. Let’s have a look at the following example:
The new clip is partly recorded over the original clip. The part of the original clip that has been recorded over is incorporated in the new clip; the events from the original clip are now contained in the new clip, and the start of the original clip has been moved to bar 5, where the new clip ends.
The “Dub” function creates additional record enabled note lanes on which you can record “overdubs”. This is the function to use when you want to add new notes in the same section of the instrument track but want the notes to end up in new clips on additional note lanes instead of in the original clip. All note lanes will play back together.
When using the “Alt” function in Loop mode, the clips between the locators will be muted - not the entire note lane. If the locators are placed over an existing clip, as in the example above, clicking the “Alt” button in Loop mode will split the clip and mute the clip between the locators.