The Combinator Introduction The Combinator is a special device that allows you to save and recall any combination of Reason and/or Rack Extension devices (instruments, effects, mixers etc.) and their internal connections. A saved Combinator setup can be loaded as a patch, called a “Combi”. The Combinator device itself acts as a container for the devices in a Combi. The basic idea behind the Combinator device is simple, but very powerful. Being able to save multiple devices as a Combi enables you to instantly recall any type of setup, however complex, as simply as loading a patch! Some typical applications of the Combinator: Create split or layered multi-instruments. Add any number of instrument devices and play them as a single layered instrument. Instrument devices in a Combi can also be assigned to specific keyboard/velocity zones. Save instrument/effect combinations. Save an instrument together with your favorite effect(s). Create multi-effect devices. You can create and save complex effect chains as Combis. About the Combi patch format The Combinator saves files in the Combi (.cmb) patch format. When you load a ready-made Combi patch, all devices included in the Combi, their corresponding parameter settings and audio and CV connections are instantly recalled. The Factory Soundbank includes many preset Combinator patches, divided into various categories. There are two basic types of Combi patches; instrument and effect combis. • Instrument Combis contain instrument devices and generate sound. • Effect Combis contain effect devices and are used to process sound. These Effect Combis can e.g. be loaded as insert effects in the Main Mixer channel strips and Master Section. They can also be created as send effects in the Main Mixer Master Section using the “Create Effects...” command on the Create menu.