• By using the arrow keys you can step through and select each device currently in the Combi. By selecting the empty space, the Insertion line appears.
Note that showing the Insertion line automatically selects the Combinator device. However, selecting the Combinator will not automatically show the Insertion line.If you create a device with the Insertion line showing, the new device will appear below the Insertion line, at the bottom of the Combi holder.
• If an instrument device is selected and you create another instrument device it will be added below the selected device and connected to the first available mixer input channel.
If you add a device to an empty Combi, its output will be auto-routed to the “From Devices” connectors. For effect devices, the input will also auto-route to the “To Devices” connectors.A thick red vertical line indicates where the device(s) will be positioned. Note that the red line can be to the left of a device (indicating that the moved device will be inserted before the other device) or to the right of a device (indicating that the moved device will be inserted after the other device). You can also add devices to the empty space at the bottom of the Combi holder.The existing connections to the rack will be kept, so there may be external routing connections (see “About External Routing”). If there are, “External Routing” will be shown the Combinator name display (and on the back of the Combinator a LED indicator will be lit).
• If you drag devices into the Combi with [Shift] pressed, the devices will be disconnected from the rack and auto-routed according to the insert position.The routing between dragged devices will be kept. If it isn’t possible to auto-route a dragged device (e.g. if there’s no free mixer inputs in the Combi), the device will become unconnected.
• Nested Combis (i.e. a Combi within a Combi) is not supported. If you open the Create menu when the Insertion line or a device in a Combi is selected, the Combinator item will be grayed out.
The devices in the dragged (or pasted) Combi will be “uncombined” (i.e. the Combinator device itself will be removed) and the devices will be added below the insert position in the target Combi.The “From Devices” Output (and “To Devices” input if applicable) used in the uncombined Combi will be auto-routed to the target Combi, according to standard rules.If you combine some devices in a Combi with devices in the rack, the combined devices are removed from their original locations and added to a new Combi (below the “original Combi).