Common Operations and Concepts : General window techniques

General window techniques
Adjustable headers in the Reason Essentials Song window.
Between each area in the Reason Essentials Song window are gray headers that separate the areas from each other. Some of the headers can be adjusted, making it possible to resize the areas. The horizontal dividers between the Main Mixer and Rack, and between the Rack and Sequencer can be adjusted, as well as the vertical dividers between the Browser and the other areas - and the divider to the left of the Rack Navigator in the Rack.
When you place the mouse pointer on these types of headers, the pointer changes to a double-arrow symbol. Clicking and dragging these headers makes it possible to resize the adjacent areas.
The Show/Hide buttons of the Rack and Sequencer areas.
Reason Essentials offers a few different options for scrolling in the different areas.
Scrolling with the Navigators and scrollbars
Navigators/scrollbars in a Reason Essentials Song window.
Whenever there is information “outside” the visible screen area, you may want to scroll to the desired destination. The Reason Essentials Song window features a number of Navigators that can be used for scrolling. Navigators are present in the Main Mixer, in the Rack and in the Sequencer.
The Main Mixer and the Sequencer have horizontal and vertical Navigators/scrollbars.
The Rack has only one Navigator which can be used for scrolling both vertically and horizontally (when using more than two rack columns next to each other). The Rack Navigator can also be resized by moving the vertical edge to the left of the Rack Navigator. Resizing the Rack Navigator will also resize the rack devices inside the Navigator, making them easier to distinguish.
As the pointer enters the frame, it automatically switches to a hand symbol.
Scrolling with the Hand tool
Scrolling with the Hand tool in the Rack.
In the Rack and Sequencer, you can also use the Hand tool for scrolling the view.
The pointer will switch to a hand symbol.
If you are using only a single rack column, it’s only possible to scroll vertically.
In the Sequencer you have to manually switch to the Hand Tool by selecting it from the sequencer Toolbar. With the Hand Tool selected, you can scroll in any direction on the Edit/Arrangement Pane. Refer to “Hand Tool” for more information.
Zooming in the Sequencer
In the Sequencer it’s possible to zoom in and out horizontally using the Song Navigator. You can also use the Magnifying Glass Tool on the Sequencer Toolbar to zoom vertically - see “Magnifying Glass Tool”. In addition to this, it’s also possible to set a zoom level for the audio recordings inside the Audio Clips.
Zooming vertically in the Sequencer
Increase the Track height by clicking the + magnification button at the bottom of the Track List.
Waveform Zoom Mode
Using the Small Waveform Zoom Mode is especially useful if you have recorded with the Clip Safe function (see “Recording using the Clip Safe function in Propellerhead Balance”) where the dynamic range can be quite wide.
Zooming horizontally in the Sequencer
You can also zoom in and out horizontally in the Sequencer by using the Song Navigator.
The pointer changes to a double arrow symbol and you can now zoom in by resizing the Song Navigator Frame.
Zooming to selection
Zoom horizontally to fit the current selection (e.g. selected clips in the arrangement).
Zoom out horizontally to “Show All”.
"Show All" happens if there is no selection, or if you are already zoomed in on the current selection (i.e. you can press Z repeatedly and go between zoomed in and zoomed out).
"Show All" means different things depending on the mode:
Scrolling and zooming using a wheel mouse
If you’re using a mouse equipped with a scroll wheel, this can be used for the following scrolling and zooming operations:
Scrolling in the Main Mixer with a wheel mouse
Scrolling in the Rack with a wheel mouse
Note that the Rack must have at least two rack columns next to each other for this to work.
Scrolling in the Sequencer with a wheel mouse
Zooming in the Sequencer with a wheel mouse

Common Operations and Concepts : General window techniques