Context menus are “tailored” to contain only menu items that are relevant to the current circumstances. Using the various context menus allows you to work more quickly and more efficiently with Reason Essentials.
If you are using a Mac with a two button mouse, you may want to set this up so that clicking the right mouse button generates a [Ctrl]-click. This way, you can right-click to bring up context menus.The contents of the context menus depend on where you click. These are the primary types of context menus you will encounter in Reason Essentials:If you click on an automatable control (a mixer parameter, a device parameter, a fader, etc.), the context menu will contain the following items:If you click anywhere on a device in the Rack (but not on a parameter or display), the context menu will contain the following items:
• If the device is pattern-based, there will be various pattern functions (Cut/Copy/Paste, Clear, Shift, Randomize, etc.). These affect the currently selected pattern in the device.Depending on the device there may also be various device-specific functions available. For example, the drum machine device has functions for manipulating the pattern for the selected drum sound only, etc.
• “Create Track for...” and “Delete Track for...” are used if you want to create a Sequencer Track for the selected device, or delete the Sequencer Track used for the device without deleting the actual device.
• The “Track Color” item lets you select color for the associated Sequencer Track (and Main Mixer channel strip, if the selected devise is an Audio Track device).If you click anywhere on a channel strip in the Main Mixer (but not on a parameter or display), the context menu will contain the following items:
• Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete and Duplicate Channels and Track items, allowing you to rearrange and manage the channel strips in the Main Mixer.
• The send effect will be automatically connected to the first available Send FX connectors of the Master Section device in the Rack.
• The “Paste Channel Settings” item appears if you have previously copied any channel settings and want to paste these to the selected channel strip.
• The “Channel Color” item lets you select color for the Main Mixer channel strip (and the associated Sequencer Track, if the selected channel has a track in the sequencer).
• The send effect will be automatically connected to the first available Send FX connectors of the Master Section device in the Rack.If you click in the Sequencer, the context menus will contain items related to editing tracks, clips and events. The available items will differ depending on in which section or lane you click (Track List, note lane, etc.), and depending on whether you click on a note or automation event or not.For example, the sequencer context menus contain functions for inserting or removing bars, deleting tracks, changing or deleting note and automation events.