Note and Automation Editing : Tool Window editing tools

Tool Window editing tools
The Sequencer Tools tab in the Tool Window is very useful when you want to perform various note and parameter automation editing tasks. Here is how you access the Tool Window and the contents of the Sequencer Tools tab:
The [F8] key can be used for toggling between showing and hiding the Tool Window.
The Sequencer Tools page has a number of panes, each with separate functions.
The values in the displays on the various panes can be edited in similar ways as in the Inspector. For single-segment displays, you can either use the spin controls or click in the display and select a value from a list, or drag up or down to change the value. For multi-segment displays, click on a specific segment (e.g. bars, beats, 1/16ths or ticks) and then use the spin controls to set the value. Alternatively, click on a segment and drag up or down.

Note and Automation Editing : Tool Window editing tools