ReWire : Using the Transport and Tempo controls

Using the Transport and Tempo controls
Basic Transport controls
When you run ReWire, the transports in the two programs are completely linked. It doesn’t matter in which program you Play, Stop, Fast Forward or Rewind. Recording, however, is still completely separate in the two applications.
Loop settings
The Loop in Reason Essentials and the corresponding feature (Loop, Cycle etc.) in the host application are also linked. This means that you can move the start and end point for the Loop/Cycle or turn the Loop/Cycle on/off in either program, and this will be reflected in the other.
Tempo settings
As far as tempo goes, the host application is always the Master. This means that both program will run in the tempo set in the host application. However, if you are not using automated tempo changes in the host application, you can adjust the tempo on the transport in either program, and this will immediately be reflected in the other application.
If you are using automated tempo changes in the host application, do not adjust the tempo on the Reason Essentials Transport Panel, since that tempo the doesn’t have any effect on playback!
If you are using automated tempo changes in the host application, or change the Tempo in the host application, Reason Essentials will not use high-quality stretching of audio tracks!

ReWire : Using the Transport and Tempo controls