At the bottom of the Reason Essentials window is the sequencer’s Transport Panel. From here you control the sequencer transport functions. You can also set tempo, time signature and various other parameters.See the “On-screen Piano Keys” chapter for more information.Refer to “The ReGroove Mixer” chapter for more information.When the Q Record button is on, all recorded MIDI notes will be quantized to the currently selected quantization grid. Refer to “Quantize” for more information on quantization.Refer to “Quantize” for more information on quantization.
Refer to “Quantize” for more information on quantization.The current song position is shown in the display. The song position is where the Song Position Pointer in the Ruler (see Ruler details) is at the moment. The display is divided into Bars, Beats, 1/16th Note and Ticks (there are 240 Ticks for each 16th note) segments. You can edit the position of the Song Position Pointer, and thus change the song playback position, according to the descriptions in “Transport Panel segment displays”.When editing notes and automation events in the sequencer you have a resolution of 240 ticks per 1/16th note, which allows for very accurate positioning. But for the Song Position Pointer, the internal resolution is even higher (15360 ppq) which means that the position can end up on a fraction of a tick, a so called subtick.If the Song Position Pointer value is on a fraction of a tick, this is displayed with an asterisk (*) in the Tick section of the Song Position display.
The current position of the Song Position Pointer in the Ruler (see Ruler details) is shown in time format (hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds) in the display. You can change the position in time of the Song Position Pointer, and thus change the song playback time position, according to the descriptions in “Transport Panel segment displays”.The click will sound on every beat, with the first beat in every bar accented (higher pitched). See “Click and Pre-count” for more details.Pre-count will only be present before recording - not before regular playback. See “Click and Pre-count” for details about selecting number of pre-count bars etc.See “Click and Pre-count” for more details.The current song tempo is shown in the display in BPM (Beats Per Minute) and 1/1000 of a BPM. You can edit the tempo according to the descriptions in “Transport Panel segment displays”. The Tempo range is 1.000-999.999 BPM.The tempo is defined by averaging the time between a minimum of two clicks and a maximum of 16 clicks. The more clicks, the more “steady” the tempo. The time-out between two series of clicks is 2 seconds. The detectable tap tempo range is 30-999.999 BPM.The current song time signature is shown in the display. You can edit the time signature according to the descriptions in “Transport Panel segment displays”.
If you click and hold the Rewind or Fast Forward buttons, or press and hold the [4] or [5] keys, the positioning speed will be faster after the first 20 bars.If you click the Stop button, or use the keyboard “Stop” commands, when the song is already stopped, the Song Position Pointer is moved according to the following rules:
• Alternatively, press [*] on the numeric keypad or hold down [Ctrl](Win) or [Cmd](Mac) and press [Return] on the computer keyboard. If Pre-count has been activated (see Pre(-count) On/Off above), the recording will begin after the set number of pre-count bars.Clicking on any of these buttons will add additional audio tracks or note lanes for overdub purposes. Refer to “Overdubbing audio using the “Dub” function” and “Recording notes using the “Dub” and “Alt” functions” for more details about these functions.When the loop function is activated, recording and playback will be continuously looped between the Left and Right Locators. Some general rules regarding loop mode are these:
• If the Song Position Pointer is to the left of (before) the Right Locator when playback is started, the song will play to the Right Locator and then immediately jump back and seamlessly continue from the Left Locator.
• If the Song Position Pointer is to the right of (after) the Right Locator when playback is started, the Locators will be ignored and the song will continue to play “un-looped”.
• If the Left Locator is to the right of the Right Locator, i.e. in “reversed” order, the song will play to the Right Locator and then immediately jump and seamlessly continue from the Left Locator, skipping the part of the song in-between the Locators. The song will then continue to play “un-looped”.
Alternatively, press [1] on the numeric keypad on the computer keyboard to move the Song Position Pointer to the Left Locator or [2] to move to the Right Locator.The current positions of the Left and Right Locators in the Ruler (see Ruler details) are shown in the displays. The display is divided into Bar, Beat, 1/16th Note and Ticks (there are 240 Ticks for each 1/16th Note). You can change the positions of the Locators, and thus change the loop playback region, according to the descriptions in “Transport Panel segment displays”.
| Function
Stop, Go to start position,
Go to start of song
[*] on the numeric keypad or
[Ctrl](Win) or [Cmd](Mac)+[Return]
Set the Left and Right Loop Locators to encompass selected clips.
Set the Left and Right Loop Locators to encompass selected clips and start playback in Loop Mode.
If you are using ReWire for remote controlling Reason Essentials, the transport functions can be handled by either application. See “ReWire” for details.