Song File Handling : Creating Songs

Creating Songs
Creating a new Song
A new Song document window appears. By default, the new Song contains the following:
The Master Section device’s Master Out L & R are connected to the Reason Essentials Hardware Interface’s Audio Out 1 & 2.
Instead of creating an empty song each time you select “New”, it’s possible to automatically load an existing song to use as template for your new songs. For example, if you want to start with your own unique selection of devices, you can create and save a song and then instruct Reason Essentials to use this song each time you create a new song. See “Setting up a Default Song”.
Setting up a Default Song
It’s possible to specify a certain Song document which will automatically open as a “template” each time you select “New” from the File menu. The Default Song could be any Song you have created earlier, or a factory made Template Song. You can select this Default Song on the “General” tab in the “Preferences” dialog.
Each time you create a new Song (by selecting “New” from the File menu), the selected Song will be loaded and used as a template for your new Song. On Windows platforms, the Song document will be named “Document n” where “n” is an incremental number. On Mac OS X platforms, the document will be named “untitled n” where “n” is an incremental number. You can then save your Song with a new name.
Creating a new Song from a template
The selected Template Song appears in a new document window. On Windows platforms, the document will be named “Document n” where “n” is an incremental number. On Mac OS X platforms, the document will be named “untitled n” where “n” is an incremental number. You can then save your Song with a new name.

Song File Handling : Creating Songs